April 09, 2008

Just pearls?

I always loved the beautiful pearls,it is about my exalted Moon in the sign of Taurus. Only seeing pearls` images one could feel joy and beauty in the heart. But years ago I saw a little TV movie about how cultured pearls are made and I wept because it was about a little being in a big suffering.

I never had natural pearls but, if I would have, I believe I couldn`t wear them. Even their symbol is about purity, beauty and eternal love, I feel the pearls are the fruits of too many suffering.

Not only their own suffering to born the pearl, but also they contain the suffering of all the people who worked to create them. And sometime a pearl is born with the price of the life of the mollusc. I could think that all is about a consens, established before coming on the Earth, between us and the mollusc people. As it is in the case of all beings we eat and/or use: chicken, sheep and many others.

Misteriously,despite all this, one can feel the beauty and the joy that pearls bring into our daily life. An intelligent, evolved, sensible and loving humanity should love and respect this creation: the unique pearl.

History showed us that pearls were always venerated. It is said that their value is even nowaday equal to the gold, so pearls were, and I suppose they are, also the object of the greed, thefts and battles.

I think about all the people who work for this uniqueness can come into our life. I think and feel about the mollusc as I do about a true, souled somehow, being and yet I wonder about the consens.

I believe that the sufferings of the molluscs add the true value to the pearls, as all suffering of a human being increase his/her spiritual gain. I love pearls. I respect them not only for their divine beauty,purity and eternal symbolism of love, but because they are the final result of a spiritual existance.

What will happen with pearls in the future? What will be their place in our life beyond their actual adornment role?


Jerry OX said...

Hello !! always a lot of wonderful pictures on your blog !! it's so nice to visit you know !!! good bye !!!

Stephanie White Tulip Popescu said...

Thank you again, Jean-Philippe, you very kind, boy! It is nice that sometime you can inspire me!
Be blessed!

Jerry OX said...

Thank you for your comment ! i wrote a new song "la grande maison" on my blog .if you want to watch that !! good day sunshine to you !

Anonymous said...

Question: Where did you get the picture of the black pearl flower ring? I love it!

Stephanie White Tulip Popescu said...

Dear Anonymous,it is a tahitian pearl and the image was found on the sites of the local merchants that sell them. Thank you for the visit and comment!

Anonymous said...

Forgive my ignorance, but when you say local where exactly do you mean?

Stephanie White Tulip Popescu said...

Tahiti isles, of course! Try a googling for "tahiti" and "pearls" and you wil find all the local merchands for pearls and many other good infos!

Emily said...

Hi. It's me again. I googled Tahitian pearls and learned a lot, but I didn't find the ring. I know you are super busy, but if you could help me find the jeweler who makes it I would be forever grateful!

Stephanie White Tulip Popescu said...

Emily, I`m so sorry for I am so late and I couldn`t find again the source, but from what I remember you could try to "Shecy". Have a good and beautiful New Year in 2009!